ALBOMAR FARMS. Albomar Farms is a traditional row crop farming operation mixed with a forage/hay operation. Their typical rotation is small grains, cotton and peanuts. Environmental Delineations provided a Farm Field Map that established the true farmable acreage. The field boundary was located with a Trimble Pro XRS global positioning satellite system (GPS). This field boundary was uploaded into a GIS system and the field boundary maps created.

Due to the high variability of the soils in this field, the farm operators choose to implement a soil management zone approach to manage their soils fertility. To establish the soil management zones, a Veris 3100 was used to generate a Soil Electrical Conductivity Map (EC). Once the soils electrical conductivity was measured in the field, this data was brought back to the office and uploaded into a GIS System and the maps created. Based on the information from the Soil EC Maps, three Soil Management Zones were created. Once the soil management zones were created, the field boundary and the soil management zones were downloaded into a Trimble GPS for use in the field. A soil scientist returned to the field and collected soil samples from these three soil management zones.

The soil samples collected were analyzed by a laboratory for nutrient requirements. After the lab results were plugged into a GIS system the farm operator's specific crop needs and yield goals were established. Recommendations were then made to help them reach these goals and the variable rate fertilizer application maps were created and given to their fertilizer applicator for application. By taking a soil management zone approach, the operators were able to put the nutrients where they were needed most and less where they were needed the least. These maps and all the other farm/field information was provided to the farm operator in a booklet that was available to the farm operator as a reference guide. This approach was site specific to this particular field. We can soil sample in a grid pattern, by soil management zones or by soil types. Please call us to discuss which approach may be most beneficial for your fields.